Despite my persistent weight loss efforts, I have not yet lost enough weight to get rid of the Dreadful Rub. By that I mean the unpleasant sensation of my upper thighs rubbing together. This rubbing is so persistent and creates so much friction that I have actually rubbed open sores on the insides of my thighs.
The rub isn’t a problem if there is fabric over my legs. So shorts and pants alleviate the issue, but when I wear a dress or skirt it’s a real problem. So, even in these dog days of summer, I wear panty hose to work every day. They make me hot and miserable but provide enough anti-friction to prevent The Rub.
Why do I even mention The Rub? Because next week we are going on a family trip to take our daughter to a water park, which means walking around in a bathing suit all day for two days.
I know from experience that some water parks are incredibly strict about anyone wearing an “extra” garment on the rides, such as a T-shirt. But do shorts count? All I would need would be a pair of form-fitting, quick drying shorts to alleviate the problem.
If they’re allowed.
My husband carefully searched the water park website and found no specific prohibition against such shorts.
Maybe I can wear them?
If I had them.
(And yes, it was very embarrassing having to tell my husband I was concerned about The Rub.)
Alas, I don’t own any form-fitting, moisture-wicking shorts. I have some form-fitting shorts but they’re cotton or a cotton/poly blend, which will stay soaking wet and probably create different issues should I wear them all day.
So, I will have to shop very soon for a pair of form-fitting, moisture-wicking shorts that will cover The Rub problem area and be allowable at the water park. Wish me luck.
Insight: I can tell I’ve entered a whole new realm of fat when my biggest fear of walking around in public in a bathing suit isn’t embarrassment over my appearance but FRICTION!
I did a weigh in today. My inaccurate scale indicated 171.2 pounds, which is definitely less than before. Since the scale is inaccurate I really don’t trust it, but I have decided to accept the fact that there is probably a downward trend. I’ve stayed off the sugar and white flour so there should be improvement!