Friday, October 12, 2012


I’ve been so hungry all week but I’ve been using all my points (plus some) every day.  I’d have thought that after four weeks on weight watchers I’d have adjusted to the reduced amount of food, but apparently not.  I’m HUNGRY--pretty much most of the time.  I’m hungry except when I’m actually eating.  I was so hungry last night that I ate an entire avocado with my salad.  I think an entire avocado is 10 points.  Remember, I only get 26 for a whole day.  But even after eating an entire fat-laden avocado I was still hungry.

In the good news, however, I lost 3 additional pounds!  I was down to 167.6 at weekly weigh-in this morning.  It was funny—the weight watchers web site scolded me for losing weight faster than the recommended rate and warned me of a host of problems that could occur from rapid weight loss.  I found it amusing.  The web site also informed me that I had met an important milestone of losing 5% of my starting body weight.  I honestly think it was the backpack.  It just burns a ton of calories walking uphill carrying a pack, and sleeping outside in the chilly air. 

Still, good news on the weight loss front, though a pound or so a week is probably a better rate at which to lose. 

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