Saturday, October 20, 2012

News from the Scale

News from the scale--down a pound!  I've lost 10.8 pounds, I'm 166.6 according to the inaccurate scale.  However, now the hard work really begins.  The "honeymoon" of fast weight loss is probably over.  I feel wonderfully svelte (thighs not rubbing!  no lumbering!  clothes less tight!  exercise is easier!) but I'm actually still significantly overweight, and I'm going to have to stick to slow (and I hope steady) progress through the 160's, 150's, 140's and finally down to the goal of 138.  Which is still technically overweight for my height.  It's going to take months . . . months of monotony.  I will just have to stay with it as best I can.

Weight loss is hard.  But so is being heavy.  Everything is always a trade-off. 

Good news:  I got a car!  It's a used 2012 Volkswagen CC and I like it a lot.  I'd been looking at these on-line but they were all far out of town and the shipping fee to get them here would have been significant, up in the $700-800  range.  But there was one here locally, it was reasonably priced, I got a good rate car loan so I went for it.  I still feel silly driving it, it's so nice, and pretty, but I think I'll be glad I have it and now I can hand down my Taurus, which is still in excellent condition, to whichever adult child needs it first.  Probably my daughter.  Her wedding is two months away and they want to start their family immediately and I think the Taurus will be an excellent family car for them.  So I kept it and didn't trade it in.

Here also is a picture of my wonderful 50 socks my friend Carol gave me for my birthday.  I love my 50 socks.

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