Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Core of Fatigue

What a terrible weekend, eating wise.  Went way over daily points every day.  I don't know what happened.  I did get very fatigued.  For some reason, sometimes exercise doesn't invigorate me, it exhausts me, and that's what happened both days this weekend. I feel this deep core of fatigue that carries into my limbs and doing anything is incredibly hard.  I really hate when this happens.  I reel around, trying to get my tasks done, in a fog of tiredness.  It's hard to explain.  Right now, just typing this is hard, and my eyes feel like they're about to close, but i can't go to bed yet.  It's too early.  And I've got a full, busy week of work ahead of me.

Burnout?  Diet fatigue in addition to physical fatigue? 

It was actually not a bad weekend, I climbed A Mountain yesterday and did housework, and did a hard Bar Method DVD today.  Taught Sunday School, was a chalice bearer at church.  Went into work for a couple of hours, nothing taxing.  Can't even begin to figure out why I'm so exhausted. 

I've struggled with fatigue since having my third child at the age of 43. I think the middle-aged pregnancy sucked the life right out of me.  Sometimes its worse than other times.  Right now it's been bad for the past few weeks.  Just worn out, most of the time.  I miss feeling good.  I miss being invigorated by exercise.

Waa, waa.  Got to go do the dishes and fold laundry and oversee the bath. 

yawn . . . .

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