Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Referee

Things haven't been going so well on the eating front.  I kept "off the sauce" (avoiding white sugar, white flour and massive snacking after dinner) for a few days but lost my resolve.  I'm not doing too badly but I'm certainly not in a realistic weight-loss mode.  I did graze a bullet last night.  I was going to drive to Baskin Robbins and purchase tubs of both Jamocha Almond Fudge and Rocky Road, but I turned the other way and just bought some minor chocolate at Walgreen's instead.  Calorie-wise I did myself a big favor but I still went out and bought food--not good.  However, while I dodged the Baskin-Robbins bullet, it did manage to "graze" me.

If the forest fire in my dad's favorite area wasn't bad enough, now there is one raging in my favorite place ever, the White Mountain Wilderness.  Not only are areas of breathtaking beauty being burned, people who live near there are being evacuated and homes are threatened.  Not good.  Too bad our very conservative congressional representative is turning these fires into a political issue, blaming the environmentalists for the fires by not allowing "forest management" in the wilderness areas.  I don't see how lightning striking a tree has anything to do with politics, but I guess it does.

Well, my six-year-old has a friend over.  Slim friend pickings have led to her having over the friend that she cannot play with for more than a few minutes without arguing, so I've temporarily given up my proposal reading because their play requires frequent intervention as one or the other becomes mortally offended to the point of tears.  It's really too bad because this little girl is frequently available for play, but they just can't get along.  Friend just this second came in to report that my daughter had pulled a ribbon out of her hand.  The horror!  Now they are negotiating the potential use of said ribbon.  I can hear the pitch of the voices degenerating into whines . . .

I'm 50 years old refereeing the fights of six-year-olds . . . no wonder I eat!  <kidding>

More to come . . .

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