Friday, November 16, 2012


ARGH!  I had mentioned that my wonderful baby toes succulent had a flower bud and was greatly looking forward to my first blooming succulent.  Well, we had the first hard freeze of the year and I, as usual, brought all the succulents indoors for the winter.  My baby toes plant was down on the ground by my side door catch some nice late-afternoon sun and male kitten (Fergus/Aladdin/Jack/BoyBoy) apprently became interested in the bud, which by this time was sticking up far above the baby toes lobes, and the horrid little beast ATE it.  That is, he ate the bud covering, exposing what would have been the beautiful flower inside.  The petals would have been orange, or at least in their still-unbloomed state they are orange.

I was desolate.  These plants are so delicate and hard to keep alive, and I had a flower about to bloom, and now I just have a chewed orange and green clump, as shown below:

If you look closely on the top picture, you can see little kitten tooth marks on some of the lobes.  I guess the fenesteria isn't poisonous as male kitten seemed fine after his little snack.  The plant has now been moved to a well-lit room on a high shelf where it should be safe, but I think the flower is toast. 

On the weight loss front, I'm now on my fourth week of bouncing around in the mid-160's--I was back up .8 pound, to 165.  Bummer.  However, I'm hoping to go backpacking over the long Thanksgiving weekend and perhaps I'll finally drop down into the low 160's.  Something about long sustained hiking carrying a heavy pack seems to be very good for weight loss.

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