Sunday, November 18, 2012

No Pep!

I am absolutely pep-less.  I had a long, tiring day yesterday and even though I slept like the dead, I woke up just tired.  I gave myself a couple of hours before I started one of my hard Bar Method tapes (my customary Sunday exercise) but still, I only got 10 minutes into it before I had to sit down.  I'll defintely be doing Bar Method Super Sculpting in 5-10 minute intervals today.  Wow.  Tired.  Whupped.  Weary.  Rurnt.

Struggling with the diet, too.  I think I exceeded my daily points value every day last week, but I'm still "on the plan" thanks to the 49 free weekly points I get, and also my activity points (thank heavens I don't hate exercise).  But it's ironic, because people have started noticing my weight loss--an employee noticed on Friday, and a girl scout mom noticed last night (went to a Divali Festival at a Hindu temple in El Paso with the girl scouts--interesting and mostly enjoyable).  I've noticed from former weight loss efforts that it usually takes over 10 pounds of loss for anyone to notice.  It's actually sort of embarassing when people notice. 

I hope I don't just throw in the towel and start eating again.  One of my former staff members, who also struggles with weight, said once, "I wish we just didn't have to eat at all".  I knew what he meant.  If we just had to take a pill or drink a shake or something it would be so much easier and less fraught with emotion and turmoil than having to worry about what to eat (or not eat) every day. 

Had a rare rainstorm this morning.  Not a lot of precipitation, but I bet my lantanas enjoyed it.  Two new flower buds are emerging on my baby toes plant, but since they're inside now I'm not sure how they'll do.  Succulents are an enjoyable but difficut hobby, as the growth is slow, the plats are tempermental  and patient observation is necessary to determine how to best care for the various varieties.  But I still like my succulents a lot.

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