Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another Approach

So, I started looking at how I started this blog back in May and not only have I not lost any weight, I've probably gained some, so I decided to start using the Weight Watchers membership I signed up for a couple of weeks ago.

I've been doing it for about four days now and it's going well.  It's a hassle, and I've been hungry, but it's sort of fun adding up my points on their on-line interactive site.  I can also track activity!

It is hard to stay on, however.  For example, today I was off my normal work routine because I had someone in from out of town that I was with the entire day.  So I had to go to a breakfast reception at which there were nothing but sweets, and go out to a working lunch with several co-workers, and was completely tied up in meetings the rest of the time, so there was no way for me to stay "on plan", but I did the best I could.  I did have an apple in my purse, and a protein bar, that I gulped down to try to keep my blood sugar on an even keel and not get too hungry and shaky, and those helped.  But trying to figure out how many points are in a mexican combo plate from a local restaurant is an educated guess at best.

But for now it's do-able, and any day I don't overeat is a victory, so I'm not going to write it off as a possible solution yet.  And it's nice to not have to be doctrinaire about not touching white sugar or flour, which is also hard to do. 

Other good news:  my son, reeling from a long-term relationship breakup, has arrived in town for an extended visit of about three months.  He is staying with his sister.  I haven't seen him yet, as he was exhasuted from the long cross-country drive and needed to get some rest, but I'm looking forward to seeing him soon and over the next several months.  I hadn't seen him in over a year, which is too long!

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