Monday, September 3, 2012

Weight Loss Fears

Okay, let's say I get it together and manage to lose weight.  Here are my (some silly, some well-founded) fears about what could occur:

Getting Sick:  The few times in my life I've been pretty thin, I'm also sickly.  I catch every bug that goes around.

Hair Loss:  pretty serious female hair loss runs in my family and I noticed over the years that any significant dietary change will show up in the form of quite a bit of lost hair.  It grows back, but this won't occur forever.

Droopy Face/Neck:  I'm not as young as I used to be and fear the fat-plumped skin on my face and neck will sag pretty badly if I lose weight.

Loose Skin:  See Droopy Face/Neck, above.

Loss of Muscle Mass:  I do work pretty hard at my exercise and have decent muscle tone under the fat.  I certainly don't want to lose this strong, metabolism-boosting core layer of muscle.

Vanity:  I certainly don't want to get uppity and think I'm "all that" if I get back into smaller sized clothes!   This has been known to occur, especially as I have a certain body part that is considered pretty spectacular when I'm not fat.  Then again, being almost 50 and now an official AARP member, having this happen is pretty unlikely, see Droopy Face/Neck and Loose Skin, above..

Stress:  Once thin, there is always a constant, nagging worry that the weight will come back.  This concern is quite well-founded, alas.

So, there they are, out there for the world to see, my weight-loss fears.  Feels good to get them out there.  Mkes them seem less terrifying, somehow.

Rapidly growing kittens.  Fergus on the left with open eyes, Merida on the right.

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