Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Good News

The Good News: 

After two weeks on weight watchers, I've lost a little over 5 pounds.  This is good.  What is bad is that I'm always so flipping HUNGRY!  Of course, I haven't fine-tuned my plan and I'm sure I could do a lot better in terms of choosing more filling foods and such, but I'm always so busy and its hard to devote the time to figuring this out.  Still, I'm on a roll and it's good to feel in control.

The Great News:

Today is my birthday and I am 50 years old!  Life is good, I have many, many blessings and much to be thankful for.  Three healthy children, a comfortable home, a good job, a kind husband, supportive and interesting extended family, and a variety of wonderful people in my life.  And the ability to live in a country where I can take so many day to day freedoms completely for granted and thus be able to worry about things like being overweight.  In fact, the ability to be overweight is a blessing in itself.  Means there's lots of food.

The Not-So-Good News:

I did blow my weight watchers last night at my WONDERFUL big-kid hosted birthday event at Uno's by drinking two large long island iced teas and having an ice cream sundae, and the birthday dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight is sure to blow it further, cuz I'm having a steak, baked potato, and a glass of wine.  I'm doing this with complete awareness of the possible consequences, and it will be very interesting tomorrow, after all the half-century festivities are over, to see if I'm able to resume my weight-loss plan.  History isn't on my side, but I'm still feeling positive.

And the Jury is Still Out:

I'm slightly hung over after two long island iced teas (and a shot of Irish whiskey) but not miserable, just a little shaky and under the weather.  However, I'm thinking this slight hangover will be a good thing as I often use my birthday as an opportunity to eat and eat and eat horrid junk food all day (jelly doughnuts, mocha lattes, chips, candy, ice cream, you name it) but right now, I'm not feeling like eating much of anything. 

Will report back. 

Weight yesterday:  171 and some change.  It would be nice to drop out of the horrible 170s.  BTW, my goal weight is 138.  Whihc, interestingly, is still technically "overweight" for my height, but at 138 I can wear a size six and feel good, so that's the goal.  Sorry, weight chart developers.

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