Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weekend of Reckoning

There will never be enough food for me.  I can say, "this is the last bag of M and Ms".  "This is the last Baskin Robbins ice cream cone."  "Just one more treat before I diet."

But it's never enough, and there will always be a good reason to eat "just one more" <insert sugary junk food item here> before I <go on a diet, start eating well, stop using food as an emotional crutch, whatever>

So, this is the weekend of reckoning.  Three day weekend, no job deadlines looming.  Nothing terrible happening.  No reason that I cannot take this weekend to start to detox from sugar and white flour.

So I'm going to.

Fortunately, exercise isn't a problem for me.  I don't mind exercising.  In fact, I've already exercised today.  I climbed "A" Mountain with my husband and six year old daughter (her first time making it up unassisted!)

I think today is the day.

Wish me luck.  I really want to do this. 

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